How To Use AI To Your Advantage

Hey there,

Are you tired of sending out countless resumes with little to show for it? Feeling overwhelmed with the new world of work?

You're not alone. The job market is tougher than ever, and I know it constantly feels like you're constantly chasing your tail.

Imagine if you had a secret weapon to help you stand out from the crowd and land your dream job. Well, that secret weapon is AI.

I am so excited to share with you that on Thursday, August 29th, 12PM - 1PM (EST) I'm hosting a masterclass I think you'll be interested in!

Lately, I have had so many people asking about how to navigate, learn, and use AI. So I’ve decided to host a jam-packed session on exactly that! 

This FREE once-time, live webinar unpacks how to navigate the AI-driven job market. 

You'll learn:

👉 The top challenges hiring managers face when using AI
👉 Essential AI tools and strategies to boost your job search
👉 How to overcome common AI-related job search pitfalls

Join me in this session as I'll only be running this masterclass once - so click through to register, and I'll see you there. 

Speak soon
Deja | Breakroom Buddha