Your 3-Part Formula For Redefining Success and Finding Calm

Gratitude, Greatness, and Grounding: A mindful approach to balance.

✨ 2025 GOAL: THRIVE NOW!✨ 

Breakroom Buddha Community Theme: 2025 is the year to THRIVE! This year I’m dedicated to sharing valuable gems and resources to help you make this your best year yet.

Let’s commit to asking ourselves one powerful question all year long:

“How can I thrive right now?”

Do you ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day? If so, you’re not alone, only 43% of adults say they have enough time to do what they enjoy most. (Source: Pew Research Center)

The constant hustle can leave us feeling overwhelmed, yet redefining success doesn’t have to mean doing more. Instead, it’s about reconnecting with yourself.

Today, I’m sharing a 3-step formula that’s helped me, and many others find clarity and balance.

Grab a notebook, journal, or a journaling app, and start by writing three headings: Gratitude, Greatness, Grounding

“Mindfulness practices can reduce stress levels by up to 28%.”

Source: American Psychological Association

Step 1: Gratitude

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and recognizing the good around you.

✨ How to practice it:

  • Each day, list 5 things you’re grateful for.

  • Tip: start with whatever comes to mind. A good cup of coffee, a compliment from your significant other, or even just making it through the day.

✨ Why it works: Studies show that gratitude journaling can significantly improve mental health and foster a positive mindset. And when you extend gratitude outward—by sending a thank-you note or giving a compliment—it becomes a ripple effect of kindness.

Step 2: Greatness

Greatness is about identifying and aligning with your goals.

✨ How to practice it:

  • Write your 3 biggest goals for the year. Revisit these daily to keep them top of mind.

  • Once a week, create a list of 10–20 smaller goals, then narrow it to 5, and finally down to 1. Focus on this one goal for the week and reflect on your progress.

✨ Why it works: This exercise isn’t just about productivity, it’s about manifesting your vision by consistently reminding yourself of what truly matters.

Step 3: Grounding

Grounding connects you to the present moment and helps you cope with stress.

✨ How to practice it:

  • In the morning, write down a grounding statement for your day, like: “Today I will focus on being patient and kind.”

  • At night, revisit this statement. Did you live up to it? If not, reflect on what you can adjust tomorrow.

✨ Why it works: Grounding techniques like this puts your life in your hands, reduces anxiety, and helps reduce cortisol levels and create a sense of calm.

By weaving gratitude, greatness, and grounding into your daily life, you’ll start to define your own type of success. Success is then no longer a race to the finish line, but a journey of alignment and calm.

“Stillness isn’t about doing nothing. It’s about doing what matters.”


2025 Thrive Now Resource

Thrive Now in Paradise

Thriving isn’t just about what you accomplish—it’s about who you become.

This retreat is your chance to step away from your day-to-day, dive deep into your creative self, meet a community of like-minded action takers, and experience breakthroughs that will change your life forever.

Want to pitch your boss or company to cover this adventure?

I’ve got you covered. Use my free template to highlight how these experiences align with your professional goals and your company’s success. Check out the template here. 

What’s one step you’ll take this week to embrace stillness? Hit reply! I’d love to hear your thoughts.

P.S. I have 1 more treat for you! This will close out my 3-part wellness series for this week. The purpose of this mini series was to help you get refocused and keep your eyes on your 2025 prize. See you tomorrow!

Deja White
Founder, Breakroom Buddha